Mouthguards & Nightguards

Free Sports Mouthguard Promotion

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At Maylands Dental, it is important to us that you have a clear understanding of your treatment options. Here are some of most frequently asked questions

Protecting Your Smile

Some of the most common dental injuries are caused by accidents during sports, chronic teeth grinding habits and clenching at night. We can help you avoid unnecessary dental trauma by creating a simple, protective device in a custom-made mouthguard or nightguard.

What is a Sports Mouthguard?

A mouthguard is an acrylic appliance that is worn over the upper teeth during sports to prevent the teeth from injuries resulting from contact. Over the counter mouthguards are sold at chemists and sports shops, but a custom-made sports mouthguard at the dentist provides superior fitting and protection. Sports injuries are very common for both adults and children. Wearing a mouthguard during sports can often prevent serious injuries to the teeth which may require extensive and expensive dental treatment. Many sports teams and schools are now making mouthguards compulsory.

What is a Nightguard?

Some people clench and grind their teeth when they are asleep, or even during the day. The majority are generally unaware that they are doing this. This habit can cause significant damage to the teeth and jaws. Teeth can become heavily worn over time, broken or cracked; and both the teeth and jaws can present with acute or chronic pain. A nightguard places a soft cushion between the upper and lower teeth, preventing them from grinding against each other. It reduces your risk of tooth wear and potential future dental complications.

> TMJ Pain and Disorder

Your TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is the joint that allows movements of your upper and lower jaws relative to each other. Bruxism (teeth grinding) and clenching can lead to overactive muscle tension in the TMJ, causing headaches, pain through the neck and shoulders, or painful TMJs. Symptoms include popping and clicking of the jaw joints upon opening or closing, or pain in the joint. A custom fitted nightguard can stop the habitual grinding and clenching and alleviate symptoms.

Do You Need a Nightguard?

If you find yourself regularly waking up with dull headaches, neck and shoulder pains or stiff jaws, the chances are that you may be grinding or clenching your teeth in your sleep. There is great benefit from wearing a nightguard for these patients. Heavily worn or frequently broken teeth may also indicate bruxism.

Consult your dentist for advice on a custom fitted nightguard.

Get In Touch


(08) 8132 0621


173 Portrush Road, Maylands SA

Mouthguards and Nightguards in Maylands | Stepney | Norwood | Beulah Park | Kensington | Trinity Gardens | Payneham South | Evandale | Kent Town | Hackney | College Park | St. Peters | St. Morris | Magill | Adelaide | Eastern Suburbs of Adelaide | East Adelaide

Our Services

l  Advice and Education
l  Dental Bridges & Crowns
l  Dental Implants
l  Emergency Dental Service
l  Fastbraces
l  Full & Partial Dentures
l  Hygiene & Stain Removal
l  Invisalign
l  Mouthguards & Nightguards
l  Restorative Dentistry
l  Root Canal Therapy
l  Teeth Whitening