Full Arch Tooth Replacement – Implant Retained Dentures
If your existing teeth are deteriorating, you have lost your teeth or are suffering from your existing denture, you are a perfect candidate for REPLACEDENT® full-arch tooth replacement.
The process begins with a diagnostic scan. Using this diagnostic scan together with an impression of your mouth, computer guided technology is used to determine the best plan to provide you with a full set of fixed or removable teeth. 4 or more dental implants are then placed with keyhole surgery through your 3D printed template.
The full-arch bridge of your new teeth can then be attached to the implants. In many cases we can do this the very same day of surgery as the technology allows us to digitally design and produce your teeth in advance of surgery.
Whether it be biting into your favourite food, having the confidence to smile or being able to speak without impediment, your quality of life is dramatically enhanced. At the same time, not seeking treatment for your missing teeth poses other risks.
When natural teeth are missing, your jawbone will gradually become flatter and narrower. This bone loss can affect your facial appearance, the stability of your remaining natural teeth and will make dentures increasingly difficult to wear due to decreased retention.
Every year, millions of patients undergo dental implant treatment and with the advances we have made in dentistry and technology, the treatment has never been as safe, atraumatic, predictable and successful.